Give Yourself a 2011 Subscription to Diary of a Derby Wannabe

Posted on December 30, 2010 by


Subcribe to Diary of a Derby Wannabe – it’s free! And each new subscription increases my self esteem as demonstrated in the graph below.

Just follow these easy steps. First, enter your email in the field in the top left corner.

Enter your email address in this field

 Next, click on the button that says “Sign me up!”

Here's the little blighter

You should get this message:

Then it’s simply a matter of logging in to your email and clicking on the link to confirm the subscription. You may need to add the email address it comes from to your contacts (or check your junk mail for the notification emails).

After that, all new posts should be delivered straight to your inbox. You can read them there (bit ugly though) or click on the title and be taken straight to the latest post.

Posted in: LimboLand